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Teaching Staff

Sr.No Name Designation Date of Approval & Letter No. Permanent ID No. Qualification ADHAR NO.
1. Dr. Pratibha Sheokand Principal CBA/A-80/2016/9681 dated 10.03.2016 B.ed/0001493 B.A., M.Sc. (Sci.), M.Ed., Ph.D, NET 89192185569
2. Ms. Poonam Sharma Asst. Prof. in Education CG-1/A-80/2009/7965 dated 30.06.2009 BED/001010 M.A. (Edu.), B.Ed., M.Phil, Pursuing Ph.d, NET 819020558243
3. Dr. Rajni Nagpal Asst. Prof. in Social Studies CG-1/A-80/2009/6991 dated 10.06.2009 BED/001009 M.A. (Eco), B.Ed, M.Ed, M.Phil (Edu.) Ph.d, NET 977663627475
4. Dr. Rosi Dhiman Asst. Prof. in Hindi CBA/A-80/2012/9904 dated 25.05.2012 To be Allotted B.A., M.A. (Hindi), M.A. (Edu.), B.Ed., Prbahkar, M.Phil, Ph.d 895899956423
5. Dr. Shalini Singh Asst. Prof. in English CBA/A-80/2012/9904 dated 25.05.2012 To be Allotted B.A, M.A. (Eng., Edu.), B.Ed., M.Phil (Eng.), Ph.d 214231708074
6. Dr. Vishu Singla Asst. Prof. in Mathmatics CBA/A-80/2014/6707 dated 12.03.2014 To be Allotted B.A., M.Sc. (Math), B.Ed., M.A. (Edu.), M.Phil, Ph.d 719526882706
7. Mr. Ghanshyam Asst. Prof. in Music Contractual Basis To be Allotted M.A (Music) 275714273715
8. Ms. Babita Sharma Asst. Prof. in Phy. Education CBA/A-80/2014/6707 dated 12.03.2014 To be Allotted M.P.Ed, M.phil, B.Ed. 749436461369
9. Ms. Shika Grover Asst. Prof. in Fine Art Contractual Basis To be Allotted MA (Fine Art), B.Ed ———
10. Ms. Anju Saini Librarian M.Lib, B.Ed, M.Ed, M.A (Hindi), M.A (Skt.) 983298277031